Faculty in the Public Health Sciences department are experts in the fields of epidemiology, biostatistics, behavioral sciences, health services and policy research, global health, and clinical research including outcome assessment and clinical trials design. In addition to teaching courses, faculty serve as capstone project mentors.

Habibul Ahsan
Professor, BSD Academic Admin
Interests: risk assessment, early diagnosis of cancer, disease prevention, precision medicine, global health

Kavi Bhalla
Assistant Professor, Public Health Sciences
Interests: injury prevention, traffic accident, injury, burden of illness, public health surveillance

Lin Chen
Associate Professor, Public Health Sciences
Interests: big data, integrative genomics, statistical methods, software development

Brian Chiu
Associate Professor, Public Health Sciences
Interests: non-Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple myeloma, health disparities, molecular epidemiology, outcome research, epigenetics, liquid biopsy, translational population research

James J. Dignam
Professor, Public Health Sciences
Interests: survival analysis, clinical trials, competing risks, modeling, health disparities in cancer

Robert Gibbons
Associate Professor, Medicine – Hospital Medicine
Interests: statistics, biostatistics, drug safety, suicide, item response theory, environmental statistics, longitudinal data analysis, mental health statistics

Donald Hedeker
Professor, Public Health Sciences
Interests: longitudinal data analysis, ecological momentary assessment, ordinal data, mixed-effects models

Elbert Huang
Professor, Medicine
Interests: aging, diabetes mellitus, adult onset, health services research

Dezheng Huo
Associate Professor, Public Health Sciences
Interests: breast cancer, genetics, population, genetic epidemiology, health disparity, outcomes research, risk prediction

R. Tamara Konetzka
Professor, Public Health Sciences
Interests: health economics, long-term care, post-acute care, Medicaid, Medicare

Benjamin Lahey
Irving B. Harris Professor, Public Health Sciences
Interests: causal taxonomy of psychopathology across the life span, population neuroscience of psychopathology in children and adolescents, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder

Diane Lauderdale
Chair, Public Health Sciences
Interests: aging, demographic, disparities, health status, epidemiology, sleep

Aresha Martinez-Cardoso
Assistant Professor, Public Health Sciences
Interests: racial health inequities, migration, race, health status, Latinos, immigration and emigration, social discrimination, racism, aging, demographics, demographic and health surveys

David Moskowitz
Senior Instructional Professor, Public Health Sciences
Interests: HIV/STI prevention, sexual and psychological health of sexual minorities, relationship between social identity and risk-taking behaviors

Jonathan Ozik
Computational Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory
Interests: agent-based modeling and large-scale computation

Brandon Pierce
Associate Professor, Public Health Sciences
Interests: genetic epidemiology, telomeres, gene-environment interaction, arsenic, cancer, aging, epigenetics, gene regulation

Harold A. Pollack
Helen Ross Professor, School of Social Service Administration

Eric Polley
Associate Professor, Public Health Sciences
Interests: assay development, cancer genomics, causal inference, data science, precision medicine, prognostic risk models, risk assessment

Mei-Yin Polley
Associate Professor, Public Health Sciences
Interests: conduct and methodology of cancer clinical trials

Prachi Sanghavi
Assistant Professor, Public Health Sciences
Interests: pre-hospital care, trauma, fracking, long term care, healthcare quality measurement, burn injuries, low-value services, Medicare, Medicaid

Loren Saulsberry
Assistant Professor, Public Health Sciences
Interests: health policy, health services research, cancer prevention and control, health disparities

John A. Schneider
Professor, Medicine-Infectious Diseases
Interests: HIV infection, social network, epidemiology, sex behavior, modeling, decision, mathematical model, sexually transmitted disease, syphilis, substance use, program implementation

Marcia Tan
Assistant Professor, Public Health Sciences
Interests: health disparities, minority health, tobacco cessation, weight management, behavioral sciences